

134 results (tag: president)

Genesis Property: Romanian employees recognise the importance of healthy offices. 43% of employees want healthy offices and 26% also want them to be green

Romanians give increased importance to sustainability, both through resource efficiency…

Deloitte study: health care CFOs, concerned about financial uncertainty. Technology investments, top priority for 68% of them

According to the study, health care representatives are focused on employee motivation…

The impact of climate change on the economy: challenges and opportunities for Romania

Article authors: Alexandra-Maria Bocse (Presidential Administration), Tudor Grosu (BNR)…

Marketing Managers struggle to understand the new buying preferences of the customers

However, the year 2021 changes the data of the problem and requires competence and…

Valoria survey: Increased operational efficiency, process simplification, and cost reduction are among the top benefits of digitalization from a managers' perspective

The results of the survey show that 7 out of 10 CEOs and only…

Deloitte study: since the pandemic outbreak, working women feel more pressure in the context of increasing household responsibilities and workload

About 82% of the participants in the study say their daily routine has been…

Valoria survey: 67% of companies rely on streamlining their product/service portfolio and sales channels to grow in 2021

The new edition of the study "Evolution of business in Romania" conducted by Valoria…

Studiu Valoria: Multe industrii fac Valoria survey: Many industries are just taking their first steps in digitalizationabia primii pasi in digitalizare

If managers in most industries do not consider digital business models a threat to…

Conditions ripe for already resilient M&A activity to accelerate in 2021 and beyond

Following a rollercoaster year for mergers and acquisitions (M&A), the increase in year-over-year…

Impact of COVID-19 increases urgency of digital technology investments for oil and gas; workforce skills gaps hinder ROI

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly accelerated the timeline for digital technology…

Valoria survey: 63% of companies say they will change radically in the next 3-5 years due to digitalization

The Barometer of digitalization is the survey that shows how companies in Romania approach…

Valoria: The third edition of the Barometer of Digitalization will show how much companies in Romania have advanced with the digital transformation

The consulting company Valoria has started collecting the answers for the third edition…