

12 results (tag: parteneri)

bestjobs STUDY in partnership with Orion Innovation: 3 out of 5 IT&C employees expect 2024 to bring many changes in the industry

Romania, on the 2nd place in Europe in terms of the number of IT…

Reveal Marketing Research study in partnership with DENT ESTET:

"Romanians are increasingly concerned about their dental health. 33% of those with above-average…

TotalSoft opens new horizons with an extensive partnership program

The company recorded an 11% increase in turnover in 2021, up to EUR 25…

BAT Romania invites innovative companies and start-ups to the partnership for sustainability

BAT believes in developing sustainable partnerships, as well as supporting its business…

Schneider Electric presents Partnerships of the Future, a simplified, open and increasingly digitized collaboration

In an effort to strengthen global efforts to design a more resilient and sustainable…

KPMG in Romania, lider in transformare digitala,  anunta parteneriatul cu Aurachain

KPMG Romania today announced a new partnership with Aurachain, the only low-code application…

Partnership for the first time for dentistry in Romania

The creator of modern implantology, Prof. Paulo Malo DDS, PhD, will collaborate with the…

Deloitte and FintechOS, partners in CEC Bank’s digital transformation

The “Welcome” package, recently launched by CEC Bank, can be accessed 100% online using…

Poate coronavirusul sa justifice neexecutarea contractelor aflate in derulare?

Autori: Ioana Roman (partener), Cristina Tudoran (senior associate)

Declaration 207 – an apparently harmless modification can have a negative impact on the relationships between Romanian companies and their external partners

Starting with this year, the annual Declaration 207 can be drawn up in electronic…

For the over 1,000 mobilPay partners, the average value of shopping in instalments on Black Friday was of around 200 euros, double the value compared to the average for full payments

Over 1,000 online traders in Romania from the NETOPIA mobilPay portfolio organized Black…

Ludwik Sobolewski pleads for a partnership between Romania and Poland

It would be a positive thing if relations between Romania and Poland became closer.…