

111 results (tag: medical)

Innovation leads the way to success

Innovation has been the engine of evolution ever since and its results are becoming…

Frugal innovation - a path for Romania?

Frugal products are on the rise across emerging markets of the world. Romanian companies…

Medical technology and biotechnology companies must quickly change their business model in order to survive

The medical technology sector is weathering a perfect storm, caused by three concurrent…

The need to move forward

It has been more than four years since we started to use in Romania…

Unemployment in Europe – social and economy impact, dangers, solutions

According to recent statistics, the unemployment rate in Europe at the end of 2012…

Last call for state aid projects

We are in March 2013, the last year of validity of the framework negotiated…

Romanians’ confidence in 2012, the highest values from the onset of the crisis

2012 brought the largest share of the population confidence from the start of the…

Mobile technology poised to enable a new era in health care

Smart mobile technology is poised to transform global health care — with a little…

Thinking Beyond Borders: Management of Extended Business Travellers

A person’s liability for Romanian tax is determined by residence status for taxation purposes…

The two-headed healthcare system – the dinosaur and the phoenix. Expected trends for the coming years

The healthcare system in Romania is dominated by the public sector, through an array…

Ensight study: „What is the current status of HR in Romania? - second edition, 2012

Ensight Management Consulting presents the results of the study „What is the current status…

Romanian pharmaceutical market, report by Roland Berger Strategy Consultants

The local pharmaceutical market is one of the few economic sectors least affected by…