

236 results (tag: economies)

Business Leaders Optimistic About Recovery in Europe, Research from Accenture Finds

While European companies plan to accelerate digital transformation, their slower investment…

Coronavirus Global Economic Outlook: July 2020

This baseline forecast is assigned a 41.0-51.0% probability at a one-year horizon

The capitalization of companies can become a criterion for obtaining fiscal facilities

Opinion material by Elena Geageac, Senior Manager, Direct Taxes, and Claudia Matei, Senior…

Coronavirus Will Transform Consumer Behaviour

Food & non-alcoholic beverages will be the only spending category with positive growth…

Consumer Markets Under Pressure in 2020

Personal accessories (-13%), apparel and footwear (-11%) and eyewear (-8%) are all expected…

How Will Coronavirus Impact the Global Economy?

The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has presented an unprecedented shock to the global…

Coronavirus Outbreak to Accelerate Household Wellness Trends

This article is part of a series on COVID-19 focusing on how the outbreak…

Coronavirus Global Economic Outlook: April 2020

Advanced economies are expected to be the hardest hit in this recession

Reset for retail. From survival in crisis to growth in uncertain times

The closure of large commercial centers and the population movement limitation reduced…

Why the most significant macroeconomic risk is not the upcoming recession, but the collapse of the Euro and the European Union

by Dimitrios Goranitis, Risk and Regulatory Advisory Partner, Deloitte Romania