

168 results (tag: adoption)

PwC Survey:  European consumers prefer cashless payments, but are reluctant to provide personal data that would stimulate the development of online services

Consumers' reorientation towards cashless payments is not reflected in an increase in…

Identifying Digital Trends in Emerging Markets

By Karinne Lelouch and Gustavo Gomez

Digital readiness, key factor determining the impact of pandemic crisis on SMEs, according to Vodafone Group research

Vodafone unveils the findings of a major new study involving 1,200 SMEs from several…

Deloitte survey: organizations spend less than 5% of revenues on technology

The pandemic has accelerated the timeline for technology adoption and digitization, presenting…

The challenges of a CEO during the pandemic

Author: Constantin Magdalina, Emerging Trends and Technologies Expert

Valoria: The third edition of the Barometer of Digitalization will show how much companies in Romania have advanced with the digital transformation

The consulting company Valoria has started collecting the answers for the third edition…

Valoria survey: 72% of companies say that delegating tasks to virtual teams is the new skill needed by managers during this period

The survey launched today by Valoria identifies their perception of the current context

New tax regulations for electronic cash registers - advantages and ambiguities

Opinion material by Ana Petrescu, Senior Manager, Direct Taxes, and Robert Ionescu, Senior…

Tax cuts for commercial space owners - an equation with many unknowns

Opinion material by Andreea Vlad, Manager, Direct Taxes and Cristina Manea, Senior Consultant,…

Temporary regulation in corporate matters - legislative novelty

O.U.G. no. 62/2020 - Measures in the field of companies that allow the remote…