

574 results (tag: activity)

The Coca-Cola System`s socio-economic impact in Romania: growth by more than 20% in 2021

Main indicators related to the entire value chain: €519 million value added, €229 million…

First-time manager: opportunity or risk?

Author: Constantin Magdalina, Emerging Trends, and Technologies Expert

We make responsible choices, for people, communities, and the environment

Coca-Cola HBC Romania publishes its eighth Sustainability Report: steady progress in resource…

Preparation of the non-financial declaration at the end of the year: how can companies determine the extent to which the activity carried out aligns with the European taxonomy?

Opinion material by Mihnea Jurca, Project Manager Audit & Assurance, and Florina Ion,…

EY Study: Just 7% of government leaders feel their organization has met its digital transformation goals

The new report indicates that responding government workforces are ill-prepared to capitalize…

Global CEOs see a ‘mild and short’ recession, yet optimistic about global economy over 3-year horizon

58 percent of leaders expect a recession to be mild and short

Tax facilities for research and development activities: Additional clarifications in the legislation

Authors: Andreea Mitirita, Partner PwC Romania and Cristina Fuioaga, Director PwC Romania

Secom® Healthcare Group launches the first sustainability report

The report "We choose responsibly for a healthier future" was produced according to the…

Research and development activity in Romania in the context of funding opportunities for the period 2021-2027

Opinion material by Adrian Coman, Senior Managing Associate, Reff & Asociatii | Deloitte…

Risk analysis - the tool through which taxpayers find out the probability of being subject to ANAF controls

Authors: Alex Slujitoru, Lawyer at Bancila, Deaconu si Asociatii, Associate Law Firm EY

Colliers: The e-commerce sales boom is slowing down, which is an important signal of a more restrained consumer in the big cities, where the vast majority of online sales are made

In brick and mortar formats discounters are gaining even more market share