

42 results (tag: Machine learning)

Mystery solved: The case for operationalizing analytics

Operationalizing analytics saves valuable insights

Can AI and Technology Help Fashion Retailers During Coronavirus?

Helping retailers deliver exceptional personalisation and customer service, Intelistyle…

The digital transformation of companies gets viral during crisis

Author: Constantin Magdalina, Emerging Trends and Technologies Expert

Deloitte technology predictions for 2020: the rise of AI-embedded smartphones, the first private 5G networks and 1 million enterprise robots sold

More than 750 million AI chips embedded in portable devices such as high-end smartphones…

Deloitte survey: Business executives expect automation to increase workforce capacity by 27% over the next three years

This increase leads to a significant potential to boost productivity and improve the human…

Deloitte Global TMT Predictions for 2019: launch of 5G services, smart speakers boost and democratization of AI

The much awaited fifth-generation (5G) networks are due to arrive in scale, providing…

SAP Report: Users of the major content platforms are increasingly relying on their   recommendations

The percentage of products and services purchased on the basis of AI algorithm recommendations…

Transparency, smart technology and talents transform corporate reporting

72% of financial leaders say Artificial Intelligence (AI) will have a strong impact on…

The business value of cognitive. Leaders in cognitive and AI weigh in on what’s working and what’s next

With all the talk about cognitive and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in business…

Romanian industries facing or fearing AI?

Change is one of the biggest fears humanity has developed. Leaving our comfort zone…

Deloitte Global CIO 2018 Survey: Looking beyond the digital age

Approximately 10% of the interviewed organizations are positioned as part of the digital…