

245 results (tag: Easter)

KPMG issues Global Economic Outlook Report

As the global economy was on its way to recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic,…

Horvath study: Over 70% of Eastern European companies implement digital methods such as Big Data, Smart Dashboards or Advanced Analytics

The most adopted technologies are in the following order: Smart Dashboards, Advanced Analytics…

BestJobs: An unrestricted anti-Covid Easter, but affected by inflation

55% of employees expect to receive an Easter bonus from their employer and almost…

Horvath Study: More than 60% of Eastern European companies believe business has returned to pre-pandemic levels

Internationally, more than half of respondents believe that the pandemic has had a positive…

Colliers: Romanian real estate investment market still has the resources to cross the 1 billion euro milestone in 2022

In line with 2020, the Romanian investment market recorded transactions of almost 900…

EJobs survey - 69% of companies offer Easter benefits to employees

The most popular are cash bonuses and gift vouchers / vouchers, 37% of companies…

TotalSoft opens new horizons with an extensive partnership program

The company recorded an 11% increase in turnover in 2021, up to EUR 25…

PwC report: More than 80% of central banks are considering launching a central bank digital currency or have already done so

Retail CBDC projects (digital currencies designed for public use) have reached greater…

TBI Bank reports best financial result for 2021

TBI Bank’s consolidated unaudited financial results show all-time record net profit of…

Romanian companies are concerned about rising costs, in the context of inflationary pressures, and were already perceiving greater geopolitical risk at the end of last year

Under these circumstances, the attention to costs remains a priority this year for 29%…

Vienna Insurance Group outperforms all key figures for 2021

Major support campaign for our Ukrainian colleagues

Digital Futures Index: 75% of Romanian companies want to accelerate the pace at which they adopt cloud solutions

Digitization has a positive impact for Romania and, according to the Digital Futures Index,…