

20 results (tag: AeRO)

Software companies dominate the Deloitte 2019 Central Europe Technology Fast 50 ranking

With nine countries represented in the main ranking, the companies included in Deloitte…

BITTNET (BNET) records the best year in the company's history for the third consecutive time since the listing on the AeRo market of the BSE

2017 brought an organic growth for Bittnet of 60 % and a net profit…

Local tourism sector on AeRO. Tradeville analysis

After many years of stagnation of the local tourism, a law which might revitalize…

Customers remain the core of our business, in the air and on the ground

We measure our profit growth through our contribution to the economic and social development…

Alternative tools for financing business growth

Romanian market players need to enable the growth of their businesses to a next…

Export demand, layoffs and cost cutting

Starting with 2010, the production value of machinery and equipment manufacture followed…

Renewable energy country attractiveness indices

What will future generations say about 2012? New markets have ricocheted across the renewables…

Tourism, not a walk in the park

Increased operational costs, lower budgets for travel and corporate events, the endless…