BITTNET (BNET) records the best year in the company's history for the third consecutive time since the listing on the AeRo market of the BSE

BITTNET (BNET) records the best year in the company's history for the third consecutive time since the listing on the AeRo market of the BSE

2017 brought an organic growth for Bittnet of 60 % and a net profit of 1.7 million RON.

The Bitten's individual results (BNET) show a 58% increase in revenues, from 13.7 million lei to 21.7 million RON, the IT services integration bringing 12.1 million lei (46% more than 2016), IT training brought 8.1 million RON (49% increase) while cloud services grew by almost 400%, with a total revenue of 1.6 million RON in 2017. Bittnet's net profit increased by 43%, from 1.2 million to 1.65 million RON.


For more information, please see the Romanian version of the article, here.

