

420 results (tag: 2021)

Business insolvency, again on an upward trend

In 2023, globally a +19% increase in insolvency is expected

We make responsible choices, for people, communities, and the environment

Coca-Cola HBC Romania publishes its eighth Sustainability Report: steady progress in resource…

Deloitte study: multinationals expect higher tax burden

This occurs as a result of the OECD reform, the European directives on taxation…

Global CEOs see a ‘mild and short’ recession, yet optimistic about global economy over 3-year horizon

58 percent of leaders expect a recession to be mild and short

Secom® Healthcare Group launches the first sustainability report

The report "We choose responsibly for a healthier future" was produced according to the…

Research and development activity in Romania in the context of funding opportunities for the period 2021-2027

Opinion material by Adrian Coman, Senior Managing Associate, Reff & Asociatii | Deloitte…

Risk analysis - the tool through which taxpayers find out the probability of being subject to ANAF controls

Authors: Alex Slujitoru, Lawyer at Bancila, Deaconu si Asociatii, Associate Law Firm EY

Nine out of ten cars sold in 2035 will be electric, and the charging station market will explode, to 75.5 billion euros

Romania currently has a little over 1,500 public charging points and 17,000 registered…

New DHL Trade Growth Atlas: Global trade surprisingly strong despite recent shocks

Brussels/Bonn/New York, September 15, 2022: DHL and NYU Stern School of Business have…

Cyber ​​attacks on SMEs increased 6 times in 2021 compared to 2020

The current cyber landscape, analyzed at the Microsoft event "Embrace Proactive Security…

Romania ranks 28th out of 34 EMEA countries in a top of attractiveness for private companies, with the best score for tax and regulatory environment and the worst for public health

Romania scores best on tax and regulatory environment, which takes into account the level…