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Nokian Heavy Tyres increases the production capacity by 50%, by investing 70 million euros

Nokian Heavy Tyres increases the production capacity by 50%, by investing 70 million euros

Nokian Heavy Tyres Ltd, part of Nokian Tyres increases its production capacity by 50% by total investment of about 70 million euros in its plant in the Finnish town, Nokia

"The international market of heavy tires tires developed positively and our sales increased. We also want to support the development of our customers by increasing our production capacity in the plant in Nokia, Finland. The Finnish City Nokia is a natural choice for the location of the factory due to the qualified staff and capabilities to make products of high quality in the upgraded unit, "says Manu Salmi, Vice President of Nokian Heavy Tyres unit.


For more information, please see the Romanian version of the article, here.


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