

27 results (author: BESTJOBS RECRUTARE SA)  -View company profile

BestJobs: Nearly 8 out of 10 employees would like to work only 4 days a week, but more than half of them are afraid of a 10-hour daily schedule

Almost 71% of employees consider that the 4-day work week would suit their current…

BestJobs: The labor market is breaking new records. 40,000 active jobs in March, the largest volume of new jobs in the last two years

Thus, the job offer for this month has exceeded all the data registered so…

BestJobs poll: Romanians want to rest more this year, after a difficult 2021

More than half will take extra time to bridge the holidays between legal holidays…

BestJobs survey: 4 out of 10 Romanian employees had a harder year than 2020, both at home and at work

The level of stress has increased, and almost half of the employees, double compared…

BestJobs presents horror stories from recruitment: 9 out of 10 candidates had a ghost interview

After being "ghosted" by recruiters, some candidates even become ghosts for employers.

BestJobs Analysis: Communication skills, understanding customer needs and identifying solutions are the most sought after software skills by employers in a sales person

"Soft" competencies represent basic skills, related to the personality of an employee and not…

BestJobs: Candidates over the age of 45 registered 40% of job applications in August, 10% more than in July

Candidates in the 45+ segment have a lot of experience and have accumulated many…

BestJobs: The pandemic continues to influence Romanians' vacation plans

42% choose their destination according to anti-COVID restrictions, and another 30% have been specially…

BestJobs: Nearly half of employees believe vaccination should become mandatory to feel safe in the office

For 10% it is more important to be vaccinated themselves and 33% say they…

BestJobs poll: One in two employees does not expect to receive the Easter bonus this year

Whether we are talking about money or gifts, almost 28% of respondents are convinced…

BestJobs survey: 16% of employees say they have already been vaccinated against Covid-19 and 37% follow in the next period

37.1% of Romanian employees who participated in a survey conducted by the recruitment platform…

BestJobs: Over 700,000 job applications in March. The most sought after jobs were in the fields of finance, engineering, transportation and IT

At the same time, the total number of jobs available since the beginning of…