

90 results (author: AGENTIA NATIONALA DE PRESA AGERPRES)  -View company profile

Cluj-Napoca, the city with the most expensive apartments in Romania

Cluj-Napoca consolidated its position as the city with the most expensive apartments; at the…

The turnover in retail trade rose by almost 5% in H1 (NIS)

In the first half of the year, the turnover from retail trade increased with…

NIS: Tourism increased by 17.3% at the hospitality structures in Romania

The arrivals registered in June at the hospitality structures in Romania was of 947,900,…

Meal tickets and medical insurance, the main benefits offered by Romanian employers

Meal tickets, medical insurance or additional annual leave are the main benefits offered by…

London, Barcelona and Milan, most wanted cities for the  Romanians' vacations scheduled in September 2015

Mostly, Romanians have chosen Europe for their vacation destination at the end of summer.…

Facebrands.ro: 8 million Romanians currently have a Facebook account

The number of Facebook accounts attributed to Romanian users has now reached 8 million,…