What leaders don’t learn in school about mentorship

What leaders don’t learn in school about mentorship

There is a belief that the school responds to all the problems of the extended social life.

The lack of mentorship culture


 We learn mathematics, history, physics, chemistry, biology, logic, psychology, and other subjects included in the curriculum. However, their existence and the existence of a learning mechanism do not subsequently guarantee, for example, productivity and efficiency.We often realize these aspects when we start working. Why then? Because, given the character of the job, much more, these two indicators guide the business environment than the academia.


In the absence of productivity and efficiency assimilated in school, the leaders of organizations often learn it through direct experience or mentoring. Not only they do not learn at school about these concepts and many more, but they do not learn how to mentor in turn by working with their colleagues.


Why is mentorship important


Mentorship is important because it seeks to balance and develop the weight of the practical side of initial training. In the business environment, through mentoring, leaders support with their expertise the training of other leaders, other professionals and entrepreneurs. Of course, there are several types of mentoring depending on the stage of development of each person or professional according to the Harvard Business Review.


What is interesting, however, is that not only mentees gain from mentoring, but also the leaders who are the mentors. According to the Wall Street Journal, in the US, top executives team from their younger colleagues about the latest technologies and go through a learning process called reverse mentoring.


It could be said that beyond the benefits of technology, it encapsulates the leaders and their need for mentors is thus suspended. In fact, by hyper-connecting through networks such as LinkedIn and by accessing the follow option, the need for role models and mentors is fostered and emphasized. Virtual spaces diversify the way we can interact with each other, but do not cancel the need for mentoring and face-to-face interaction.


The benefits of mentorship


According to a study conducted by Harvard Business Review, top executives of companies are not looking just for opportunities to mentor, but also for opportunities to be mentored. Beyond reverse mentoring initiatives, they also consult top business veterans outside their company. According to the survey, of the 45 CEOs in a formal mentoring program, 71% are confident that the company's performance has improved as a result of mentoring.



As for the Y generation (those born between 1982 and 1993), 94% of respondents to the Deloitte Millennial Survey say they have received good advice from their mentors. According to the survey, this has also increased employee retention; 68% of employees who have worked for at least 5 years within the same company had mentors and only 32% did not have mentors. One can say that mentoring is the remnant of an obsolete pedagogy, but it seems that it responds to the need for direct and personalized feedback of this generation.


Research results indicate that a consistent and ongoing employees mentoring, at all hierarchical levels, as well as the mentoring of entrepreneurs can be a key motivating force for improving the business environment.


Mentorship supports the evolution of business culture by contributing to the formation of cooperation models, learning and mutual guidance of those involved. Mentoring makes it possible to transfer knowledge and experiences and helps grow a new generation of business people.




Steps for an effective implementation of a mentoring program in the company

1.    Identify the strategic direction to which the mentoring program will be aligned.

2.    Prepare / Assign a manager for the mentoring program. Pick someone who is excited about this role and the transformations the program will generate.

3.    Organize courses for the employees who will be mentors in order to train their mentoring skills.

4.    Provide an organizational environment conducive to the development of the mentoring relationship.

5.    Facilitate access to materials with best mentoring practices.

6.    Monitor and evaluate of the results of the mentoring sessions and of the whole program.

7.    Keep the program dynamic with the help of technology and embed the gained experience.