Most companies are still considering whether to have transactions that they must report to the tax authorities, according to DAC6, by January 31 or February 28.

Most companies are still considering whether to have transactions that they must report to the tax authorities, according to DAC6, by January 31 or February 28.

Author: Andreea Mitirita, PwC Romania Partner

Almost 60% of the companies responding to a survey conducted by PwC Romania in an online event say that they are still analyzing whether they have cross-border arrangements reportable to the tax authorities according to DAC6 legislation, because they want to comply with the requirements of the new legislation. Fulfilling this obligation is the main challenge and concern for companies, at the beginning of 2021, due to the fact that it is a new requirement, and the complete legislation in this regard, meaning the forms and the completion guide, was recently published.

For more information, please see the Romanian version of the article, here.


