

6 results (tag: teamshare)

Teamshare: The listing on the marketplace will increase online retailers sales up to 60 % in one year

The online stores which lists the marketplaces grow their business substantially in the…

More than one third of Romanians get their information from mobile before ordering online

According to Teamshare, one of the most important integrated e-commerce platform in Romania,…

The Romanian B2B e-commerce, up 20% in 2016, reaching 12 billion euros

The Romanian B2B e-commerce will maintain a rising trend in 2016 and will reach…

80% of the customers who shop online waive the shopping cart

In Romania, the average loss of the shopping cart currently stands at 60% -…

Is your online store ready to sell at full capacity?

For online stores, the main indicators for operational performance, which directly influence…


4 results (tag: teamshare)

Teamshare: The promotions well implemented can increase 6 times the online store orders

The promotional campaigns well implemented and promoted, with a strategy "set" in depth,…

The only Spanish hand-painted pottery store starts selling online through Teamshare and Frisbo

Teamshare, the e-commerce B2B & B2C platform, and Frisbo, the first local full-service…

The IT &C, the construction and the fashion, the top industries in Romania using professional e-commerce systems

The IT &C is the clear leader among the industries in Romania that use…

 EUR 18 million transactions through Teamshare e-commerce platform in the first semester, 40% more comparing to the same period of last year

Total value of the transactions made in the first semester of the year through…