

287 results (tag: lei)

Press release

The NBR has considerably increased the volume of repo operations performed on a bilateral…

Fighting the coronavirus pandemic by protecting health and livelihoods

Unilever contributes 3 million lei (630,000 euros) to help affected people in Romania

Allianz-Tiriac Asigurari concludes the first 25 years of existence with solid results

Life and health insurance has become the second most important line of business

Electrogrup develops a smart urban mobility project in Campia Turzii, worth 22.5 million lei

Electrogroup, in association with Urban Scope and with the support of the Next Bike…

E-INFRA Group of Companies donate 500,000 Lei to support the healthcare system

The amount is allocated to the support the main medical centers in Bucharest and…

BRD donates 2 million lei for medical equipment and the support of the independent cultural sector

According to AGERPRES, BRD - Groupe Societe Generale donates 1.7 million lei for the…

The estimated impact for the application of the emergency social measures established by the Government is 2.036 billion lei

The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection announces that the estimated financial impact…

BIRIS GORAN - Legal Alert - Lege zile libere parinti

Lege privind acordarea unor zile libere parinților pentru supravegherea copiilor in situația…

Electrogrup developes the first integrated Smart City project in Romania: modern stations for the public transport in Piatra Neamt, worth 21.1 million lei

The overall execution period for the project is of 25 months

Become a champion for champions and sign up for the 11th DHL Carpathian Marathon powered by MPG!

The money raised from the participation fees helps the Paralympic athletes to prepare…

Romanians give more flowers: floral businesses have doubled their turnover in the last five years

Flower business has grown considerably in the last five years, with 96% compared to…

TBI Bank expands its offer of saving solutions with a new maturity of 15 months and an annual interest rate of 4.4%

The strategic direction of the bank is to offer all its customers a complete…