

16 results (tag: investitiil)

Fika18's success story continues: steady investment in brand and portfolio development has brought record sales

Although it is a niche business, it has the potential to grow exponentially and…

Investment Academy launch - series of 14 videos for those interested in stock market investments

Investment Academy deals in a structured way with the most common topics and questions…

Investments in digitalization and technology - strong impact on business

New technologies are gradually transforming the transportation and logistics market

Nova Power & Gas continues investments and inaugurates a natural gas network in Huedin, in a first stage of development worth 11.3 million lei

Electrogrup, as general contractor, ensured the execution of the works

Cum ne adaptam afacerea la un viitor incert?

Cum si-au adaptat companiile strategiile pentru a respecta politicile de securitate in…

WEBINAR- Rethink Strategy – Continuity, Challenges and Opportunities

DoingBusiness.ro in parteneriat cu Microsoft organizeaza joi 26.03.2020 webinarul BUSINESS…

Alex Milcev, EY Romania: The Impact of the Offshore Law on Black Sea Investment

The petroleum agreements holders in the offshore perimeters received on 9 July 2018 important…

The UPC Romania's investments have generated social benefits worth 309 million euros over the last 4 years

UPC Romania's constant investments in digital infrastructure and innovation bring benefits…

Abris Capital Partners attracts 500 million euros for the third fund dedicated to investments in Central and Eastern Europe

Abris Capital Partners, a private equity fund that celebrates ten years of activity in…

The European Commission launches two new financial instruments to stimulate the investment in new enterprises and in the urban development

According to AGERPRES, the European Commission adopted on Monday, two new financial instruments…

The HCCJ Decision on the seizure of the KMG International assets could affect its investments in Romania

The decision of the High Court of Cassation and Justice (HCCJ) on maintaining of…

The public-private investments remain the main hope for economic growth in the EU

According to AGERPRES, the public-private investment will remain the main source of hope…