

115 results (tag: trends)

Romania's growth needs solid grounds and sustainable policies

Increasing competitiveness through innovation and R&D, brand enhancement and digitalization…

Challenges and opportunities: today and tomorrow

Our main goal in 2015 is to add more value for our clients, to…

High chances of maintaining the fast pace of the pharma industry in 2015

The winning way in the long term would be approaching the relationships with the…

The business analytics software industry, between innovation and need for restructuring

According to many analysts and those in the Hadoop community, more than half of…

Recent developments and future prospects of the operational leasing market

The local market is evolving step by step and company managers begin to acknowledge…

Recent disputes in the neighboring country show us how valuable energy security can be

Companies need to strongly embrace change (in order to be successful in this new…

Lean on a “lean philosophy”

As our company is producing automotive components for almost all car manufacturers in…

Betting on Quality

Coffee is the world's second most valuable traded commodity, behind only petroleum. There…

When shopping centers become civic center

2013 added one more year to those of crisis. Simply, all market players had…

Packaging industry: innovation is the key word

The packaging industry was affected by the crisis that started in Europe at the…

Innovate or Die

Hans Dewaele, vice president and general manager at Procter & Gamble Balkans: Consumers…

Fast Forward

Jean-Francois Fallacher, CEO at Orange Romania, explains how the rapid changes in the…