

104 results (tag: region)

The dares of Energiewende

Wind energy is the primary and a perfect complement to hydropower as a clean…

Breaking the habit

Investing money in energy projects needs a long-time predictability in energy sector.…

Catching up with the modern consumer

Expansion continues to be the most important business development strategy for modern…

The quest for yield

Several aspects to be considered in approaching the agriculture outlook: looking to the…

Solutions for growth

Within the international macroeconomic landscape, the priorities of agriculture sector…

Abundance of added value – new approach of wholesale

The access of small agricultural entrepreneurs to project financing depends a lot on at…

A business with Greek flavour

The current retail market in Romania is very competitive, thus the best advantage of…

Champs and flops in agriculture

The favored ones in these times are the tenants and the large winners are…

Focused on SME growth

There are around 5,000 customers in the portfolio of courier and logistics company DHL…

Opportunities and decisions

Identifying and keeping the focus on the economy’s fundamentals should be the right attitude…

Tactic for investments: a matter of coordination and discipline

There is no business without trust and trust goes both ways, involving stakeholders that…

Switch in the collective business mental framework

A switch in the collective business mental framework is needed in order to ink…