

97 results (tag: rating)

Our business is based on people’s trust

The trust of the client can be obtained and maintained only if the insurer…

Recent disputes in the neighboring country show us how valuable energy security can be

Companies need to strongly embrace change (in order to be successful in this new…

Goals for 2014: continuing to grow while maintaining a prudential approach

One of our main goals is to grow, to develop our activity, but not…

Reforms are appreciated, but more still needs to be done

Romania should continue to strive to attract investment, by staying on track with the…

Generally speaking, everything has changed

We still have the chance to become one of the best economic surprises in…

Consumption is the goal, investment is the means

Let’s not forget the economic crisis; it has taught us some lessons about consumption,…

When shopping centers become civic center

2013 added one more year to those of crisis. Simply, all market players had…

Industry 4.0 – Connecting everything

We witness nowadays the fourth industrial revolution, Industry 4.0, where machines tools,…

Fast Forward

Jean-Francois Fallacher, CEO at Orange Romania, explains how the rapid changes in the…

Evading the comfort zone

There are many ways to spark innovation. Management experience has taught us to value…

Openness towards innovation should be cultivated

Michelin is a leading tire company, dedicated to sustainably improving the mobility of…

Perspectives on VAT and other fiscal regulations

Luisiana Dobrinescu, Lawyer and Founder of Dobrinescu Dobrev SCA and Anca Grigore, Consultant…