

89 results (tag: education)

Capital market modernisation, a step by step process

To have a progress when it comes to the reform of the market in…

Our business is based on people’s trust

The trust of the client can be obtained and maintained only if the insurer…

Service quality a deciding factor in a diversified market

Building a sustainable future for the upcoming generations will help change the alarming…

Recent disputes in the neighboring country show us how valuable energy security can be

Companies need to strongly embrace change (in order to be successful in this new…

A strong dentistry market: an illusion or an achievable goal?

Romanians still lack the culture of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. When it comes to…

Long-term innovation is the key to successful growth and development

When it comes to being innovative, the members of Cluj IT Cluster truly believe…

Openness towards innovation should be cultivated

Michelin is a leading tire company, dedicated to sustainably improving the mobility of…

Making the transition from low-cost to innovation

When it comes to Romania and innovation I remain true to my belief that,…

Solutions for growth

Within the international macroeconomic landscape, the priorities of agriculture sector…

Agriculture - Made in Romania

Agriculture states for a largely significant role in making the math regarding Romania’s…

Tactic for investments: a matter of coordination and discipline

There is no business without trust and trust goes both ways, involving stakeholders that…

Switch in the collective business mental framework

A switch in the collective business mental framework is needed in order to ink…