

123 results (tag: crisis)

Investment will remain a key

The ‘new normal’ in Romania, as in other EU countries, will be characterized by…

Consumption is the goal, investment is the means

Let’s not forget the economic crisis; it has taught us some lessons about consumption,…

As 2013 was a better year than 2012, 2014 will follow this trend

Companies are more and more focused on coping with the challenging business environment…

Lean on a “lean philosophy”

As our company is producing automotive components for almost all car manufacturers in…

Infrastructure, precondition for the development of railway

Since 2007, the EU market has been fully open for rail freight , which…

The chance of economic revival lies in re-financing

It has been 5 years since the resounding bankruptcy of the famous investment bank…

When shopping centers become civic center

2013 added one more year to those of crisis. Simply, all market players had…

Packaging industry: innovation is the key word

The packaging industry was affected by the crisis that started in Europe at the…

Making the transition from low-cost to innovation

When it comes to Romania and innovation I remain true to my belief that,…

Indecision today locks in higher costs tomorrow

Romania needs to enable a viable environment for investments in energy sector in Romania…

Balancing the system

A correct solution would have been that along with developing of the renewable energy…

Shale Gas Investments in Romania: Contemplating the Environmental Challenges

Highly debated matter of shale gas asks for an appropriate legislation in order to…