

49 results (tag: bill)

Private pensions, a meaningful industry with an important social role

The best time to think about long-term care is before you need it

Adapting to a new competitiveness level

Major changes to legislation need to be backed by impact studies, with a long-term…

IBM helps clients identify, prevent and combat digital attacks

IBM helps thousands of clients address the challenges of securing their people, data,…

Lean on a “lean philosophy”

As our company is producing automotive components for almost all car manufacturers in…

Reinventing payments in a fast-forward moving world

We all now live a digital lifestyle. Our world today - meaning our businesses,…

Openness towards innovation should be cultivated

Michelin is a leading tire company, dedicated to sustainably improving the mobility of…

The dark side of innovation

All companies are in great need of innovation. From the largest global multibillion highly…

The way from „IS” to „SHOULD”

Finding the best way to apply soft power and to make your company a…

The Drilling Roulette

We operate a concession in Suceava area, while Chevron focuses on an adjacent area…

Watch out for Energy Watchdog!

2011 and especially 2012 were special. The drought affected the production of large hydro…

With shale gas - towards energy independence?

The recent intense debate about the future of the shale gas in Europe has…

Balancing the system

A correct solution would have been that along with developing of the renewable energy…