

148 results (tag: Financial)

SMEs play a key role in GDP growth and creating added value

To stay on that market, companies have to be competitive, to innovate and keep…

Well-managed Data Will Drive Revenue, Reduce Costs and Mitigate Risks

There is no right or wrong way in practicing analytics, just commute into analytical…

Private Pension – A ‘Must’ for Romania’s Future

It is crucial to have a legislative stability in order to support the long-term…

Power, Performance, Innovation - The Pillars Which Support Our Activity

EnergoBit contributed a lot in the development of the renewable sector, by participating…

The influence of economy  on patient behavior

Our problem is that we are not focused on exploiting what we have (like…

Romania's growth needs solid grounds and sustainable policies

Increasing competitiveness through innovation and R&D, brand enhancement and digitalization…

Challenges and opportunities: today and tomorrow

Our main goal in 2015 is to add more value for our clients, to…

High chances of maintaining the fast pace of the pharma industry in 2015

The winning way in the long term would be approaching the relationships with the…

Romania, on the path of decreasing the usage of unlicensed software

Compliance is first of all a matter of education and awareness, starting at the…

The evaluation industry, between higher volumes and lower fees

In order to have a positive development of the evaluation services market, it is…

Private pensions, a meaningful industry with an important social role

The best time to think about long-term care is before you need it

Can Romania become more competitive in a global market?

A short answer is that it takes time in order to see sustainable results