

175 results (tag: protection)

Community Index Magazine, the bilingual yearbook dedicated to community investments in Romania, has reached its 3rd edition in 2021

The publication can be especially useful not only for professionals in the field but…

Seven business trends for 2022

Author: Constantin Magdalina, Emergent Trends & Technologies Expert

Genesis Property: Romanian employees recognise the importance of healthy offices. 43% of employees want healthy offices and 26% also want them to be green

Romanians give increased importance to sustainability, both through resource efficiency…

BAT Romania invites innovative companies and start-ups to the partnership for sustainability

BAT believes in developing sustainable partnerships, as well as supporting its business…

Deloitte study: education, corruption and climate change are the top three issues of greatest concern for Romanian Millennials and Gen Zs

The most important stress factors are felt more intensely by Romanian compared to the…

EY Study: Adoption of telework in pandemic highlights problems related to the underfunding of the cyber defense area

Adopting to new working practices, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, has businesses…

BestJobs: The pandemic continues to influence Romanians' vacation plans

42% choose their destination according to anti-COVID restrictions, and another 30% have…

Is the Chief Financial Officer the second CEO?

Author: Florentina Susnea, Managing Partner, PKF Finconta

Deloitte study: the pandemic postponed only partially consumers’ plans to buy a new car and temporarily decreased their interest in electric cars

Although the trend towards electric cars seems to be consolidating on the long term,…

Wage calculation - how we manage conformity risk in the context of current unprecedented changes

Opinion material by Maria Butcu, Outsourced Services Solutions Director, Deloitte Romania

EY Romania report: Renewables can accelerate the decarbonisation of the Romanian energy sector, but public initiatives must be synchronised with business intentions

In Romania, the decarbonisation of the energy sector is largely based on the support…

PwC Romania report: The local mergers and acquisitions market decreased by 6% last year, but is still at a high level

The 2020 mergers and acquisitions market in Romania decreased by 6% compared to 2019,…