

97 results (tag: premiu)

2016 saw a decrease in black market activity and an increase in loyal competition

A very important effect of a lower VAT rate was upgrading the consumer’s choice.

Samsung, Apple and BlackBerry, the most used smartphones for work

According to Quickmobile, the biggest technology specialist on the local market, Romanian…

Car fleet study by business lease: Women Prefer Compact Cars and SUVs

Business Lease, one of the leading providers of mobility services and operational lease…

Know how to support SMEs: EBRD Advice for Small Businesses in Romania

The SME sector has not fully recovered after the economic crisis, and SMEs in…

Super Is the New Hyper

‘All over the world, convenience stores represent the fastest growing channel’, a well-known…

Minimum Wage Requirements in Europe and How These Affect Posted Workers

The EU has taken steps to encourage mobility of workers between member states.

Virtual reality gear forecast to hit record billion-dollar mark this year,  according to Deloitte Global 2016 TMT Predictions

Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (Deloitte Global) predicts that virtual reality (VR)…

Higher expectations from patients trigger dentistry market growth

Investing in education, innovation and a strong management system is the key for leadership…

New development projects on a growing local market

We are confident that IRIDE City will be a success, as it follows our…

Self-service data visualization and exploration, a growing trend

Executives will gain advantage by moving beyond simply knowing what happened to preemptively…

 Prudential approach and financial stability, main contributors to success

We managed to grow profitably, to keep our promises to our customers and to…

Deloitte Central Europe Top 500: Romania Outperforms the Region

Romania remains one of the most attractive investment spots in the region, as shown…