

27 results (tag: masuri)

Manufacturers of filter cigarettes, obliged to collect waste starting this year. What measures are necessary for this purpose?

Opinion material by Adrian Teampau, Director, and Alina Alecu, Senior Consultant, Circular…

Changing taxes, without other fiscal consolidation measures, risks not solving the budget problem, but creating other imbalances

Daniel Anghel, Partner, Leader of tax and legal services PwC Romania

The increase in energy prices requires intervention measures, but these must be adapted to the current fiscal regime

Authors: Andreea Mitirita, Partner and Cristina Fuioaga, Director

Leaders of consumer goods companies present five urgent measures to achieve the UN's sustainable development goals by 2030

The Consumer Goods Forum (CGF) and EY have published a new report with the…

Fiscal measures that can alleviate the shock of energy prices: What Romania does, what other EU countries do

Authors: Inge Abdulcair, PwC Romania Director and Emilia Danila, PwC Romania Manager

Fiscal amnesty reloaded. 2022 - only good for a new breath of the measure?

Dan Dascalu, D&B Tax Litigation Coordinating Partner David and Baias, PwC Correspondence…

Measures to encourage the real estate market between raising the VAT level and applying a pseudo-reduced rate: the limits imposed by European legislation

Daniel Anghel, Partner, leader of fiscal and legal services PwC Romania

A year of pandemic in HoReCa. Support measures taken in Romania and in other European countries

Opinion material by Camelia Malahov, Direct Taxes Director, and Anca Preda, Senior Direct…

Disposal of measures - a debatable practice in the context of anti-fraud controls?

Opinion material by Emanuel Bondalici, Managing Associate, Reff & Asociatii | Deloitte…

Digitization of the Romanian tax administration, on the right track. What measures are we waiting for in 2021?

Opinion material by Raluca Baldea, Fiscal Services Partner, and Monica Zipis, Senior Indirect…

GEO no. 153/2020 for the establishment of fiscal measures to stimulate the maintenance / increase of equity, as well as for the completion of normative acts

Authors: Ruxandra Jianu, Tax Partner; Anda Diaconescu, Associate; Paul Chichernea, Tax…

The chronic problem of the Romanian business environment - the negative net asset. New measures and their fiscal implications

Opinion material by Elena Geageac, Senior Direct Tax Manager, and Raluca Dana, Direct…