

59 results (tag: interviews)

Organizations That Migrate to Cloud Primarily as a One-Time Cost Savings Activity  Risk Missing Out on Competitive Advantages, Accenture Report Finds

Those achieving the most with cloud — “Continuum Competitors” — treat cloud as an…

EY and Institute of International Finance (IIF) survey: climate change tops the list of long-term risks for banks

For the first time since the survey’s inception over a decade ago, climate change…

Reveal Marketing Research study on the consumption behavior of Romanians regarding bottled water

4 out of 10 Romanians usually consume still mineral bottled water most often

EY Study - DNA of companies of the future: human orientation, rapid deployment of technologies and a growing ecosystem of partnerships

The digital transformation of companies, with fundamental changes in business models and…

EY study: Digital public services explosion fuels citizens' privacy concerns

Governments pushing ahead with increased online services run the risk of alienating large…

European citizens believe health sector, small business, creating new jobs and digital should be focus of EU pandemic Recovery Funds

According to a new survey of 15,000 Europeans across 15 countries from Vodafone’s think…

32% of Romanians are sure that banks will continue to digitalize in 2021. Study on Romanians' expectations regarding banks in the current context

The pandemic has brought a lot of negative dimensions, but as any crisis, it…

Romania – Results of the annual EIB Investment Survey (EIBIS) presented in Bucharest

The National Bank of Romania and the European Investment Bank (EIB) held today a…

Luxury goods companies invest heavily in digital marketing and use AI and big data

In an age of fast changing trends, luxury goods companies are caught between satisfying…

New studies show that Artificial Intelligence transforms employee productivity and speeds up company results

Artificial Intelligence (AI) undoubtedly transforms the way we work. Gartner estimates…

Golin & iSense Solutions analyzes the influence of social media on purchasing decisions

For 9 out of 10 Romanians, a good review in social media means over…

Becoming the Banker of Tomorrow

An article based on the book “Becoming the Banker of Tomorrow: A Five-Land Journey”…