New studies show that Artificial Intelligence transforms employee productivity and speeds up company results

New studies show that Artificial Intelligence transforms employee productivity and speeds up company results

Artificial Intelligence (AI) undoubtedly transforms the way we work. Gartner estimates that in 2021, the use of AI for augmenting products and services will generate $ 2.9 trillion in commercial value and will avoid cost equivalent to 6.2 billion hours of productive employee activity.

At Microsoft's request, Forbes Insights and Forrester Consulting have more closely researched the key benefits of AI for information technology specialists, trying to highlight how artificial intelligence can help companies capitalize on the full potential of AI everyday using Microsoft 365.

Forbes Insights interviewed over 350 US executives, 80% of whom said it was essential that their organizations begin to master the "art" of productive collaboration between employees and AI algorithms. 80% of respondents pointed out that IT access to strong AI-based applications plays a significant role in increasing productivity and performance.

According to the Forbes Insights study: AI day-to-day: Exploitation of Artificial Intelligence for Professionals 'Capability 79% agree that AI already has a transformative impact on workers' workflows and tools, but only 5% as their industry leaders in the exploitation of IA-based processes. "

Thus, 79% of respondents agree that AI and related technologies have a transformational impact on workflows and tools for IT professionals, and 84% agree that AI fluidises processes, reducing routine processes and thus more opportunities for development, planning, and creativity within organizations.

To learn more about the transformational impact of AI on profile workers and to identify ways to create an AI-ready culture in your company, read the Forbes Insights research report here.

Forrester Consulting interviewed over 250 global executives and 1,000 IT specialists, 59% of whom reported difficulties finding the information they need. The study revealed, with the help of an expanded graph, how IT specialists can use AI to boost efficiency, productivity and overall business benefits.

Some of the benefits highlighted during the study highlight a more effective collaboration between teams and geographic regions, better quality of work conditions and increased employee satisfaction and more time for more focused, higher value added activities.

"Information technology specialists depend on the free flow of information. When they do not find the information they need, they often take inappropriate decisions that affect the business as a whole. When information is properly analyzed and contextualized in a visual presentation, it can help specialists find the information they need to make faster decisions, to find relevant competencies more easily and to make more trustful decisions ". Microsoft's Forrester Consulting study: Extending the value of IT for IT specialists.

"[This technology] also means we can get back to our customers faster, close sales transactions faster, and ultimately, it will mean higher revenue," says a senior operations manager and IT security, from a global IT service company.In a related study that included interviews with IT leaders from seven global organizations that benefit from AI capabilities in Microsoft 365, Forrester Consulting designed the direct financial impact of these technologies for a global organization with 8500 white collar employees. Quantified, productivity gains and efficiency gains were estimated at $ 36.6 million over four years.


