

323 results (tag: integrate)

New investments need Government support

Romania is ranked as one of the cheapest producers of raw wood in the…

How to survive on a shrinking market

Whether 2011 was the year in which local advertising agencies took over European creativity…

Ensight study: „What is the current status of HR in Romania? - second edition, 2012

Ensight Management Consulting presents the results of the study „What is the current status…

The Romanian automotive industry: changing gear or changing lanes?

With a car density lower than ½ of the EU average (according to the…

Acute or chronic: the impact of economic crisis on healthcare, report by KPMG Romania

The deepening economic crisis in the Eurozone has exposed health systems around the world,…

Urban infrastructure: smart cities. Report KPMG Romania

Cities are striving to provide a raft of critical urban infrastructure assets to support…

The two realities of energy sector in Romania, report Salans

The pricing issues in the energy sector in Romania raised hot discussions in the…

Can Romania's electricity exchange serve as model for the natural gas market?

For those planning to skip to the final conclusion, the answer is: not really…

Eurozone Forecast Autumn edition

The uncertainty continues. While progress in Europe has been made, we have not yet…

In Gold We Trust

The foundation for new all-time-highs is in place. As far as sentiment is concerned,…

On way from politics to ECOnomics

High investments to meet environmental regulations, besides upgrading technology are tough…