

417 results (tag: industries)

How private equity directors can work more effectively to create value

The “Working with Private Equity Portfolio Companies, “study by KPMG and Directorbank…

Germany attractiveness survey

There is a dramatic, growing distinction between the public perception of Europe’s prosperous…

EUR 20 billion is unnecessarily tied up in working capital in the CSE region alone

Still few companies are taking maximum advantage of their most accessible form of liquidity…

CEO confidence in growth down

Only 36% of CEOs worldwide are ‘very confident’ of their company’s growth prospects in…

Romanians’ confidence in 2012, the highest values from the onset of the crisis

2012 brought the largest share of the population confidence from the start of the…

Conserving costs, powering growth

The power and utilities industry, long known for stable, predictable earnings, has become…

Mobile technology poised to enable a new era in health care

Smart mobile technology is poised to transform global health care — with a little…

Romanian Daily Report

In the news: Fondul Proprietatea - Hidroelectrica ended the force majeure clause; Leasing…

The new edition of Major Companies in Romania available from November 15th

It is four years since many countries around the world have been struggling with…

The long road to effectiveness

Transport and cargo industry in Romania carries some of the most important privatization…

Tourism, not a walk in the park

Increased operational costs, lower budgets for travel and corporate events, the endless…

Ensight study: „What is the current status of HR in Romania? - second edition, 2012

Ensight Management Consulting presents the results of the study „What is the current status…