

82 results (tag: incomes)

Romanian M&A Market – A Real Chance for Booming

The first months of 2016 show an increased number of deals and deal opportunities.

wiiw Forecast: Growth Stabilises in the EU Member States of Central and Eastern Europe and the Western Balkans

Fiscal space has widened in several countries, thus granting governments more room in…

Outlook for 2016-20

Macroeconomic policy since the 2008-09 global economic crisis has largely corrected internal…

EY study: Creative industries generate 3% of the global GDP and offer work places for 1% of the global population

7 out of Top 10 most visited museums in the world are in Europe

Outlook for 2015-19

Macroeconomic policy since the global economic crisis of 2008-09 has largely corrected…

WIIW Forecast: A time of moderate expectations

Contrary to expectations, near-stagnation has continued in the euro area. Certain forecasts…

 Television is preparing to create omniscreen experiences

The media industry is preparing to face a major change regarding the capital and…

Coface: road and highway construction sector – major drop in investments caused by the collapse of incomes

The road and highway construction sector registered a decrease of -22% in incomes in…

Amendments brought to the Fiscal  Code

Emergency Ordinance nr.92/2014 published in the Official Gazette no. 957 of 30 December…

With 7 million jobs and an income of 500 billion euros, cultural and creative industries play an essential role in Europe's recovery

With incomes of over EUR 535.9 billion, the cultural and creative industries registered…

Where the rain stays mainly in the plain and…what for?

It has been raining in 2014 when it was needed, and almost as much…

Manufacturing: the industry that offers among the most tax incentives and subsidies for companies

According to Accace, one of the leading outsourcing and business advisory companies in…