

103 results (tag: feed)

How companies lose money because of a poor performance management system

Performance management has reached a turning point between what this topic meant 60 years…

The pros and cons of the recruitment process automation

Artificial intelligence and the automation of the recruitment process.

Innovation will always be the key driver in our business

MCR Interview: Alexandru Chiru, Country Manager, HL Display

3 ways in which artificial intelligence will automate recruitment

The most important thing managers and leaders do in an organization is to hire…

Trends in business leadership in 2017

Leadership is a central theme in the business world. Its definition evolves. The stylistics…

How the game plays in the gaming industry

A sector of the IT&C industry is increasingly attracting attention in Romania - the…

What leaders don’t learn in school about mentorship

There is a belief that the school responds to all the problems of the…

Just 3 in 10 companies use social media for sales

According to "Like & Share 2017", a survey on social media marketing in Romanian…

What do online shoppers really want? KPMG International survey details what really matters to consumers

Understanding and keeping pace with what drives people to shop and buy online is…

What leaders do not learn in school

No business objective will be achieved unless the desired parameters are related to the…

Customer relationship – a never ending story

A new chorus has cast a spell over the business world: "customer relationship"

The democratization of analytics, a trigger for huge business opportunities

Analytics are for all of us, as we become more data-driven and analytical in…