

168 results (tag: facturi)

The Covid-19 pandemic, an opportunity to reduce the dependency towards „Made in China” brand

The trade deficit of the EU community bloc in relation to China reached 164…

The Rise of “Purpose-Driven” Businesses During COVID-19

Many businesses have managed to pull through by putting people ahead of profits

PwC Global Survey: 70%  of CFOs are very confident they can provide a safe working environment, but only a half think can manage employees’ morale

CFOs in Denmark (72%), Germany (67%) and Mexico (69%) are most likely to consider…

Balance of payments and external debt – March 2020

Data are updated on a monthly basis

Is the pandemic revealing Romania’s potential to become an EU supply chain superhub?

Opinion article by Dimitrios Goranitis, Risk Advisory Partner, Deloitte Romania

Euromonitor’s Lessons From the 2008 Global Financial Crisis

The shock to the global economy as the coronavirus health crisis morphs into a…

PwC global survey: 64% of companies plan new safety measures when reopen work sites and 47% will make remote work a permanent option

Most companies have moved beyond the short-term, reactive phase of the novel coronavirus…

Companies active on the retail segment, that own or lease industrial spaces, are counting on eCommerce development to recover the losses generated by effects of the Covid-19 epidemics

A multi-channel approach for logistics and industrial companies active in retail is expected…

Bucharest service-driven economy among most insulated in Europe to the new COVID-19 outbreak

This is largely due to Bucharest’s heavy reliance on IT&C activities as well as…

Deloitte technology predictions for 2020: the rise of AI-embedded smartphones, the first private 5G networks and 1 million enterprise robots sold

More than 750 million AI chips embedded in portable devices such as high-end smartphones…

Corporate sustainability - A new way of doing business

Article by Ph.D. Eng. Silviu Stoica, General Manager, Ramboll South-East Europe

Deloitte analysis: The M&A activity slowed down in the third quarter of 2019, but remains solid

The mergers and acquisitions (M&A) market was solid in the third quarter of 2019,…