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35 results (tag: dividends)

PwC report: 58% of Romanian entrepreneurs want to make sure their business stays in the family for the long term, compared to 74% in Central and Eastern Europe

Succession planning is a way to lay a solid foundation for the future, to…

PwC report: most family businesses in Romania performed strongly in the last financial year and expect a similar performance in the next two years

At the same time, growth targets are also ambitious for the next two years:…

The year 2023 has already brought many fiscal and legislative news

What implications do they have and what should companies pay attention to?

NBR Board decisions on monetary policy

Economic activity stepped up in 2022 Q1 at a stronger-than-foreseen pace, adding 5.2 percent…

Family businesses are well-positioned to lead the revival of the global economy, with focus on Purpose, Community, and Patience new report finds

A new report from the STEP Project Global Consortium and KPMG Private Enterprise has…

PwC report: A return to pre-pandemic growth rates by 2022 is expected by 86% of family businesses

Large family businesses have withstood the challenges relatively well in pandemic and…

The challenges of a CEO during the pandemic

Author: Constantin Magdalina, Emerging Trends and Technologies Expert

Why Romanian economic recovery requires helicopter money to individuals

By Dimitrios Goranitis, Risk and Regulatory Advisory Partner, Deloitte Romania

Deloitte analysis: Romanian key employees can benefit from more fiscally favorable incentive plans compared to other countries in the region

The long term incentive plan called Stock Option Plan, based on which the employer…

Legislative changes: Companies will be able to distribute dividends quarterly

Companies are given the opportunity to distribute dividends quarterly, according to the…

Entrepreneur's dilemma: CEO and/or owner

If an entrepreneur does not make a difference between the role of owner and…

Utility companies, another year of attractive dividends

At least in the short term, investors have set aside worries regarding the lack…

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