

407 results (tag: coo)

Global Payments: Payments of 2.5 million euros on mobile, in May and June

Half of The Romanians frequently use card payment, and 82% noticed the increase in…

Deloitte study: Romanians believe that climate change is caused by human activities and they are adjusting purchasing behavior to limit negative impact on environment

The study also reveals that climate change has become a source of anxiety, especially…

What are the hidden risks of website owners from a GDPR perspective? Two situations often encountered in practice

By Daniel Vinerean, Senior Coordinating Lawyer, D&B David and Baias

The new tax provisions must be doubled by efforts to increase collection

Opinion material by Vlad Boeriu, Fiscal and Legal Services Coordinating Partner, Deloitte…

Between the desideratum of reaching the ESG criteria and the rigor of observing the competition rules: what should companies pay attention to?

Authors: Ana Maria Iordache, D&B Partner Lawyer David si Baias, Lucian Bozian, Senior…

Deloitte study: most working women feel an increasing level of stress, many are facing burnout and plan to resign

On the other hand, the study shows a significant difference in the status and…

1 million euros funding for theoutfit.ro – your online personal shopper

More than 60,000 women created their style profile on the platform, while the product…

Deloitte study: increasing construction costs, the biggest challenge of 2022 for real estate companies in Romania and other countries in the region

The participants in the study believe that the war in Ukraine caused disruptions in…

PwC Report: Consumers around the world expect to spend more on groceries in the next six months and plan to cut back on luxury goods and dining out

The survey shows that people expect further price increases and are looking for ways…

Public-private competition in the Romanian medical services sector - myth or reality?

By: Anda Rojanschi, D&B Partner , David and Baias, Romana Petre, Senior Coordinating Lawyer…

The financial ecosystem, before and after the implementation of the TIBER-EU framework in Romania. What are the challenges?

Opinion article by Andrei Ionescu, Coordinating Partner, Consulting and Risk Management,…