

78 results (tag: competence)

HR Barometer PwC Romania: Almost 75% of companies say that employee productivity remained constant or increased after the implementation of working from home policies

Of the respondents who mentioned increased productivity, 76% say that the main factor…

Valoria survey: Even if CSR budgets freeze, companies increase their community involvement

Community involvement, support for health and focus on final beneficiaries are the areas…

Employees appreciate companies that include self-discovery programs in their benefit mix

Although the focus is still on employee safety, many companies have already acted to…

Valoria survey: 63% of companies say they will change radically in the next 3-5 years due to digitalization

The Barometer of digitalization is the survey that shows how companies in Romania approach…

Five elements that lead to the content marketing failure

Author: Gabriela Streza, Business Development Director, Valoria

Valoria survey: 72% of companies say that delegating tasks to virtual teams is the new skill needed by managers during this period

The survey launched today by Valoria identifies their perception of the current context

What we find at the crossroads of crises

Author: George Agafitei, Trainer & Coach, Partner of the brand Valoria

Value supports the recalibration of companies to the new business context

Against the background of this obvious uncertainty, companies and employees have had,…

Steps to resume B2B sales in a world affected by COVID-19

During the two months of emergency, declining or even lack of demand in many…

7 marketing and sales challenges in the post-COVID economy

Author: Elena Badea, Managing Partner, Valoria Business Solutions

Aspects relating to contravention and criminal liability in the context of the state of emergency declared as a result of the COVID-19 epidemic

The legal framework, the criminal liability and the contravention liability in the context…

Proper workforce skills for Industry 4.0 remains a challenge, while climate change climbs in the top of the executives’ concerns

Workforce skills for Industry 4.0 remain a challenge for organizations globally, as executives…