

167 results (tag: Internet)

Genesis Property: Nearly three out of four employees in Romania now work from their office at least 3 days a week

Half of them find speeding up the vaccination campaign necessary to combat the effects…

PwC Report: Over 60% of the CEO and CTO globally anticipate an increase in cyber crime in 2022

Almost 60% expect a jump in attacks on their cloud services and 56% of…

Genesis Property: Romanian employees recognise the importance of healthy offices. 43% of employees want healthy offices and 26% also want them to be green

Romanians give increased importance to sustainability, both through resource efficiency…

EY Study: Technology and data analysis significantly improve risk management

The EY Global Board Risk Survey 2021 identifies two key drivers of effective risk…

Technology leaders put talent first as they think about innovation hubs beyond Silicon Valley

Significant innovation centers are continuing to develop outside the Silicon Valley ecosystem

PwC Report: Romanian entertainment and media industry expected to increase by 8% in 2021 and exceed the 2019 level

Estimates also show that the industry will continue to increase until 2025, with an…

Understanding the essence and challenges of marketing through social networks

Author: Gabriela Streza, Business Development Director, Valoria

Romanian Agrifood Tech Startups Overview REPORT: IoT, precision farming and biotechnology - the agritech trends defining the future of Romanian agriculture

Over 50 Romanian tech startups involved in industry innovation

EY study: Digital public services explosion fuels citizens' privacy concerns

Governments pushing ahead with increased online services run the risk of alienating large…

PwC Report: The productivity boost from 5G technology will add USD 1.3 trillion to global GDP by 2030

PwC’s projections show that 5G technology, used in conjunction with investments in artificial…

European citizens believe health sector, small business, creating new jobs and digital should be focus of EU pandemic Recovery Funds

According to a new survey of 15,000 Europeans across 15 countries from Vodafone’s think…

The mobile application revolution in marketing, sales, and HR

Author: Elena Badea, Managing Partner, Valoria Business Solutions