

222 results (tag: Environmental)

The circular economy becomes part of the definition of the future in business. The concept of the 10 Rs

Economia circulara devine parte din definitia viitorului in business. Conceptul celor…

How we build the resilience of companies

Author: Alina Fanita, CEO and Partner, PKF Finconta

EY Future Consumer Index: Rising costs dent post-pandemic hopes

Driven largely by the inflationary impact on prices and the anticipation of new COVID-19…

The role of CEOs in the transition to Net Zero carbon emissions

Author: Florentina Susnea, Managing Partner, PKF Finconta

PwC Survey: Fewer than half of the companies in the EU are familiar with the Green Deal and are prepared for the measures it involves

The EU is expected to introduce more than 1,000 different levies to partially fund…

Reformulating the strategic agenda of companies

Author: Florentina Susnea, Managing Partner, PKF Finconta

EY study: 43% of business leaders say boards lack commitment to integrating ESG factors

The survey, which polled 200 senior leaders from 15 European countries and 25 industries…

EY study: Companies are increasingly investing in 5G technology. Europe leads the way

Enterprises are looking to 5G to help alleviate immediate business pressures brought by…

EY study: Companies are increasingly investing in 5G technology. Europe leads the way

85% of survey respondents say the global health crisis is driving 5G interest

Deloitte study: consumer products companies aim to increase revenues in 2022

Inflation, supply chain struggles and labor shortages, the main challenges

Horvath Study: Packaging industry to grow by 30% to $ 1 trillion in 2025

On the other hand, the demand for improved and sustainable packaging materials will also…

Community Index Magazine, the bilingual yearbook dedicated to community investments in Romania, has reached its 3rd edition in 2021

The publication can be especially useful not only for professionals in the field but…