

213 results (tag: China)

Deloitte State of Consumer Tracker: more than half of the European consumers plan to postpone buying a new vehicle

All the sectors related to mobility have been heavily shaken by the recent health…

Business Leaders Optimistic About Recovery in Europe, Research from Accenture Finds

While European companies plan to accelerate digital transformation, their slower investment…

PwC's COVID-19 CFO Pulse: New products and services are needed for economic recovery, say 63% of CFOs

Most companies have passed the stage of immediate response to the crisis, understood that…

Can AI and Technology Help Fashion Retailers During Coronavirus?

Helping retailers deliver exceptional personalisation and customer service, Intelistyle…

The Covid-19 pandemic, an opportunity to reduce the dependency towards „Made in China” brand

The trade deficit of the EU community bloc in relation to China reached 164…

PwC Global Top 100 companies: COVID-19 pandemic has reduced by USD 3,9 trillion the market capitalisation of the 100 largest listed companies in the world

This medical crisis has led to a short-term decline in the performance and market…

Renewable energy sector is expected to bounce back quickly despite the impact of COVID-19

The latest index considers the potential impact of the pandemic, looking at the resiliency…

Deloitte State of Consumer Tracker: health concerns dominate the European consumers over financial and employment distress in the era of COVID-19

Impacted on so many levels by anxiety, the consumer mindset and behavior have shifted…

PwC Global Survey: 70%  of CFOs are very confident they can provide a safe working environment, but only a half think can manage employees’ morale

CFOs in Denmark (72%), Germany (67%) and Mexico (69%) are most likely to consider…

Consumer Markets Under Pressure in 2020

Personal accessories (-13%), apparel and footwear (-11%) and eyewear (-8%) are all expected…

EY Geostrategic Outlook: Four megatrends that are changing the business landscape

While COVID-19 dominates the headlines, the framework for managing geopolitical risk effectively…