

213 results (tag: China)

Renewable energy country attractiveness indices

What will future generations say about 2012? New markets have ricocheted across the renewables…

The real state of real estate in Romania

There are some good news and some bad news regarding the Real Estate industry…

Metal industry faces bleak perspectives

The optimism generated by the good results obtained in 2010 faded a year later,…

Better than expected

The Romanian machinery sector, which includes aircraft, railway, military and naval producers,…

An industry at war

If glass producers saw an increase in demand starting with the second part of…

Acute or chronic: the impact of economic crisis on healthcare, report by KPMG Romania

The deepening economic crisis in the Eurozone has exposed health systems around the world,…

Urban infrastructure: smart cities. Report KPMG Romania

Cities are striving to provide a raft of critical urban infrastructure assets to support…

Eurozone Forecast Autumn edition

The uncertainty continues. While progress in Europe has been made, we have not yet…

In Gold We Trust

The foundation for new all-time-highs is in place. As far as sentiment is concerned,…