

50 results (tag: Autonom)

Deloitte study: The pandemic speeds up big cities’ decisions to limit traffic and expand space for cyclists and pedestrians

According to the study, private cars, once considered a symbol of the urban environment,…

The impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the automotive industry. Scenarios for this year's evolution

Daniel Anghel, Partner, Leader of services for the automotive industry, PwC Romania

7 marketing and sales challenges in the post-COVID economy

Author: Elena Badea, Managing Partner, Valoria Business Solutions

Proper workforce skills for Industry 4.0 remains a challenge, while climate change climbs in the top of the executives’ concerns

Workforce skills for Industry 4.0 remain a challenge for organizations globally, as executives…

The demand for electric cars is growing, but consumers are reluctant to autonomous vehicles

Electric vehicle demand is growing fast in the European Union due to supportive environmental…

The total number of cars in use in Europe will decline by 2025. Europeans will prefer mobility platforms than their own cars

The total number of cars in use (parc) in Europe is forecasted to grow…

The demand for electric cars is growing, but consumers are reluctant to autonomous vehicles

Electric vehicle demand is growing fast in the European Union

Training programs, more appreciated than benefits packages

In an increasingly connected world, with very large volumes of information and provisional…

Are you a CFO or a Tax Specialist?  This is what you should take into account for the 2020 budgeting process and for evaluating your tax risks.  Proposals.

Author: Alina Andrei, Tax & Transfer Pricing Partner at Cabot Transfer Pricing

How does the leader of 2030 look like?

Technology resets the operating system of the leaders, they being obliged to be the…

EJobs study: Although they think it's harder than being hired, 5 out of 10 Romanians want to be entrepreneurs or freelancers

The desire to be entrepreneurs or freelancers is mainly generated by a greater need…

The FR and PHEV versions for SEAT Tarraco: technology, sportiness and efficiency

The FR and PHEV versions of SEAT Tarraco will be launched at the Frankfurt…