Microsoft Business Summit 2018, a conversation about the future of the business environment in Romania

Microsoft Business Summit 2018, a conversation about the future of the business environment in Romania

On 6 November, experts and business leaders discuss the transformations and challenges of this industry through technology, at the Microsoft Business Summit 2018.

The event explores the intersection of technology and business as well as the way in which digitalisation shapes entrepreneurial processes and vice versa. The event will bring together the National Theater Bucharest with community recognition voices that will cover a wide range of themes: from themes with general applicability, such as the potential that innovation and competitiveness have, to narrower themes, as political implications of the boom in the business sector.

Speakers covering the whole range of industries in which technology turns out to be a catalyst for change will go on Tuesday in the National Theater. The common denominator of topics is transformation, and the stake of speakers is to bring to the attention of the public the challenges and opportunities that accompany accelerated digital expansion.

The panel included in the agenda aims to be an open discussion about the present and the future of education in the digital age, answering questions about the effects and limits prescribed in the use of technology in the classroom. The panel will include teachers from traditional and alternative education systems. Marco Vigelini, the global ambassador of Minecraft, who is about to talk about trends such as 3D printing and augmented reality, coupled with the learning needs of the future, is now being built around the same theme. Vigelini's presentation highlights Minecraft's game as a learning method and places experience in the center of knowledge.

The role of sequencing and developmental testing also illustrates the story of Oscar Farinetti, the entrepreneur who developed a small family business in a giant business.

Farinetti will share the use of technological innovations to manage 42 locations around the world without losing the deep personal character that any authentic family business has.

Mark Everest, IS Development Manager at Renault, will use his industry expertise to summon the audience into a conversation about how company measurement can be streamlined by information technology.

Innovations in the telecommunications sector are another point on the agenda, which Iulian Gimiga, Transmission Architect at Orange, will talk about in terms of how the introduction of 5G in the market will shape the interaction between the companies and their audiences.

Speakerilor anterior mentionati li se alatura actori de renume precum Günter Verheugen, fost comisar european pentru extindere, al carui discurs abordeaza inovatia si competitivitatea si Ed Vaizey, fostul ministru al culturii, comunicatiilor si industriilor creative al Marii Britanii, sunt doar doua dintre numele cu greutate ale evenimentului.

The theme of the 2018 edition addresses plenary changes in the dynamics of the business environment by the present and the digital future.

The event is organized by Microsoft Romania alongside traditional partners such as Orange Romania and ALEF Distribution and Veeam.

The full agenda of the event can be consulted at www.mssummit.ro.








