Ca urmare a succesului editiilor anterioare, Europa Property se asteapta la un numar mare de participanti la evenimentul din acest an, ce va avea loc la Bucuresti, pe 16 mai, la Athenee Palace Hilton Hotel.
Evenimentul se adreseaza companiilor ce opereaza activitati comerciale si dezvolta proiecte in segmentul imobiliar si industriile conexe din tarile zonei Europei de Sud-Est: Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, Montenegru, Macedonia, Republica Moldova si Albania.
Un juriu independent reprezentat de profesionisti din industrie vor vota castigatorii ca urmare a nominalizarilor, cu doua luni inainte de eveniment. Nominalizarile ce vor intruni cel mai ridicat punctaj vor alcatui lista scurta ce va fi apoi facuta publica presei si in mediile de comunicare.
Retailer of the Year
Yves Rocher
Shopping Center Manager of the Year
Ovidiu Budeanu - Arena Mall
Veronica Dobra - FASHION HOUSE Outlet Centre Militari
Mircea Petrariu - Shopping City Suceava
Oana M. Voicu - Hello Shopping Park Bacau
Professional Service Provider of the Year
Epstein Architecture & Engineering
Ernst & Young
First Title
MK Illumination
Synergy Construct
Vitalis Consulting
WSP Group
Architectural Firm of the Year
Adest Architecture
Chapman Taylor
Corporate Office Solutions
Epstein Architecture & Engineering
Moshe Tzur Architects International
Legal Firm of the Year
Biris Goran
Clifford Chance
Dentons (Salans)
White & Case
Wolf Theiss
Project Management Firm of the Year
EC Harris
Gardiner & Theobald
Vitalis Consulting
Property Management Firm of the Year
BSS – Building Support Services
DTZ Echinox
First Facility Imobile
Jones Lang LaSalle
MT&T Property Management
Oasis Shopping Center Services
TriGranit Management Corporation
Industrial Agency of the Year
Colliers International
DTZ Echinox
Jones Lang LaSalle
The Advisers/Knight Frank
Retail Agency of the Year
Colliers International
DTZ Echinox
Jones Lang LaSalle
The Advisers/Knight Frank
Office Agency of the Year
Colliers International
DTZ Echinox
Jones Lang LaSalle
The Advisers/Knight Frank
Investment Agency of the Year
Colliers International
DTZ Echinox
Jones Lang LaSalle
The Advisers/Knight Frank
Investor of the Year
Bluehouse Capital
CBRE Global Investors
Immofinanz Group
Mitiska Ventures NV
Portico Investments
Raiffeisen Property International
Bank of the Year
Industrial Developer of the Year
Alinso Group
Portland Trust
Tishman Management Company
Retail Developer of the Year
CC Real
Cora Romania
Immofinanz Group
Plaza Centers
TriGranit Development Corporation
Office Developer of the Year
Bog’art Offices
Immofinanz Group
Portland Trust
Raiffeisen Property International
Tishman Management Company
TriGranit Development Corporation
Office Development of the Year
AFI PARK 1 (phase 1 of AFI Park) - AFI Europe - Romania
Danube Business Center - BOP Immo - Serbia
Magheru ONE - S&B Gruppe - Romania
SKYTOWER - Raiffeisen Property International - Romania
Sofia Airport Center - Tishman Management Company - Bulgaria
UniCredit Tower - Bog’art Offices - Romania
Retail Development of the Year
Cora Alexandriei - Cora - Romania
Cora Bacua - Cora - Romania
City Center one Zagreb East - CC Real - Croatia
Bulgaria Mall - MRP International - Bulgaria
Fashion Park Outlet - Blackoak Developments - Serbia
Ploiesti Shopping City - NEPI - Romania
Skopje City Mall - Balfin - Macedonia
Industrial Development of the Year
Bucharest West - Portland Trust - Romania
Lufkin Industries - Epstein Architecture & Engineering - Romania
Ploiesti West Park - Alinso Group - Romania
Sofia Airport Center - Tishman Management Company - Bulgaria
Green Development of the Year
Cora Alexandriei - Cora - Romania
Cora Bacua - Cora - Romania
Floreasca Park - Portland Trust - Romania
Magheru ONE - S+B Gruppe - Romania
Serdika Offices - S-Immo - Bulgaria
SKYTOWER - Raiffeisen Property International - Romania
Sofia Airport Center - Tishman Management Company - Bulgaria
UniCredit Tower - Bog’art Offices - Romania
SEE Real Estate OVERALL AWARDS 2012:
SEE Overall Retailer of the Year
SEE Overall Project of the Year
SEE Overall Company of the Year
SEE Overall Professional of the Year
The award recipients will be chosen the evening before the awards gala by a group of active commercial real estate professionals with vast market experience who have come together to form our jury. The Jury of the Southeastern Europe Real Estate Awards for 2012:
David Allen - Head of Real Estate and Portfolio Management - Chayton Capital
Georgios Argentopoulos - CEO - Baneasa Developments
Alex Batraneanu - Managing Director - WSP Group SRL
Eva Boehler - Director - UniCredit Bank Austria AG
Claudius Ferentz - Managing Partner - Swift Finance
Thomas Gibney -Managing Partner - Zenith Investment and Asset Management Consultants
Ruxandra Grinzeanu - Managing Director - Raiffeisen Properties International
David Hay - CEO - AFI Europe Romania, Latvia & Hungary
Razvan Iorgu - Managing Director - CBRE Romania
Troy Javaher - Head of Capital Markets CEE - Jones Lang LaSalle
Markus Leininger - Partner - SIMRES Real Estate Sarl
Marian Roman - Managing Director - CA Immo
Robert Neale - Owner and Managing Director - Portland Trust
Ioana Niculeasa - Partner, Head of the Real Estate - Nestor Nestor Diculescu Kingston Petersen
Tim Norman - Chairman - Europa Emerging Europe Fund
Babis Pandis - Partner - Bluehouse
Ion Radulea - Chairman - River Invest
Marcel Ross - Director - International Business Contracts Ltd
Daniel Smith - EMEA Business Development Manager - Manhattan Software Group
Anita Stampfl - Director Communications & Business Development - MK Illumination
Randy Tharp - Managing Director - Epstein Architecture & Engineering
Laura Tiuca - Local Partner, Co-Head of Bucharest Real Estate Group - Dentons
Alexander Tscherteu - Vice President - Volksbank Romania
Regasiti informatii complete despre eveniment pe site-ul oficial: