

19 results (tag: vaccinat)

NBR Board decisions on monetary policy

Recent developments in high-frequency indicators point to a standstill in economic activity…

Global Economy in 2022: Getting Back on Track with Challenges Ahead

In this webinar, we forecast global economic performance for 2022 and how this will…

McKinsey&Company study: Romania could add an estimated $26 billion to the economy by 2040 by investing in health in a powerful way

Better health means an estimated $26 billion to the economy by 2040, so a…

Genesis Property: Nearly three out of four employees in Romania now work from their office at least 3 days a week

Half of them find speeding up the vaccination campaign necessary to combat the effects…

Cushman & Wakefiled Echinox Study: The importance of office spaces remains vital, with only 10% of the employees wanting to work exclusively from home

The study was conducted in Bucharest and in the main regional cities, covering employees…


3 results (tag: vaccinat)

Beesers application - home medical services application made available free of charge to CNAS in support of home care in the context of the COVID-19 crisis

All collaborators registered in the Beesers application are accredited by the Ministry…

The ENEL companies provide anti-covid vaccination centers in BUCHAREST and CONSTANTA for employees and their families

The two vaccination centers set up for employees and members of their families by…

Arctic opens vaccination centers in its two factories, in Gaesti and Ulmi

Arctic action aims to support national SARS-VOC-2 vaccination campaign