

5 results (tag: incertitudine)

2021, adventures in uncertainty or pragmatic transformation?

Author: Constantin Magdalina, Expert, Trends and emerging technologies

Deloitte experts: Crisis has accelerated digitalisation, but uncertainty and lack of transparency will continue to affect business

The computerization of the fiscal administration and the intensification of controls in…

EY study: Uncertainty in the international fiscal environment and Romanian realities

The accelerated changes in the international fiscal environment have led to unprecedented…

The Barometer EY: 85% of the Romanian companies questioned the investment plans, due to the uncertainty of tax

For 74% of companies, accelerating organic growth and investing in existing operations…

The new fiscal measures - the uncertainty not seen before Romania joined the EU

Replacing the income tax with the turnover tax starting with 2018.



3 results (tag: incertitudine)

Cum ne adaptam afacerea la un viitor incert?

Cum si-au adaptat companiile strategiile pentru a respecta politicile de securitate in…

Munca de acasa si noua realitate in care traim transforma Work Life Balance in Work Life Integration

Fii online si participa la un webinar gratuit sa inveti cum sa ai grija…

Tax level, uncertainty and bureaucracy – the biggest obstacles for entrepreneurs in Galati

According to a study made by doingbusiness.ro and EY at IMM ReStart – Discover…


1 result (tag: incertitudine)

Webinar - Business Evolution - RETHINK STRATEGY - Insights From Business Leaders

Liderii, aflati sub presiunea schimbarilor, realizeaza din ce in ce mai mult ca reactiile…