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5 results (tag: Sanctiuni)

Milder penalties for errors in RO e-Transport reporting for the first violations, starting from November 21, 2024

Opinion material by Alexandru Stancu, Director, and Monica Zipis, Manager, Indirect Taxation,…

Complying with international sanctions: new regulatory measures proposed at the EU level. Do companies know their risks and how to mitigate them?

Opinion article by Laura Lica-Banu, Director, Silvia Iancus, Manager, Financial Advisory,…

What does greenwashing mean and what are the consequences for companies: Regulation of the phenomenon and the introduction of sanctions are imminent

Authors: Ana Maria Iordache, Partner D&B David si Baias and Ecaterina Boca, ESG Manager,…

Omnibus Directive - additional protection for consumers, increased sanctions for traders

Opinion material by Silvia Axinescu, Senior Managing Associate, Andreea Zaharia, Managing…

Possibilities to deny the sanctions imposed by the new legislation of alternative transport

The fines, as well as the other sanctions applied by the report of finding…


1 result (tag: Sanctiuni)

New coordinates for the application of the national RO e-Transport system. The application of sanctions is postponed until September 30, 2022

Ioana Bara, Senior Tax Manager and Corina Mortici, Senior Tax Consultant

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