

3 results (tag: CNIPMMR)

CNIPMMR analysis on the support of SMEs in PNRR

The total value of the measures for the development / support of the SME…

CNIPMMR proposes the adjustment of the EMERGENCY ORDINANCE regarding the granting of support from non-reimbursable external funds

CNIPMMR proposals regarding the modification / completion / simplification of the EMERGENCY…

The call for support of SMEs in the fight with COVID- 19

Between 12.03.2020 and 15.03.2020, CNIPMMR conducted a comprehensive survey regarding…



12 results (tag: CNIPMMR)

SMEs ask the government for dialogue and predictability

CNIPMMR draws attention to the fact that it is inappropriate to adopt fiscal measures…

The National Council of SMEs provides non-reimbursable financing for future social entrepreneurs

The project aims to provide training courses for future entrepreneurs

CNIPMMR position concerning the draft GEO regarding the establishment of support measures for day laborers, seasonal employees and those who worked in the telework system

CNIPMMR sustains the Government's initiative to provide financial support, thus stimulating…

CNIPMMR position concering the draft GEO regarding the modification of the labor code - law no. 53/2003

CNIPMMR supports the initiative of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, which…

CNIPMMR proposals for amending the Companies Law no. 31/1990

CNIPMMR supports all measures to eliminate bureaucratic burdens of entrepreneurs